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About Novel Notices

Olivia Nichole


I'm a book-lover with a passion for all things bookish (obviously), as well as music, art, and a long list of fictional men.  I read a wide range of genres, but I mostly write darker, more complex characters and stories, always accompanied with a healthy dose of romance!


Novel Notices is a website created to review a wide variety of books, and offer my personal ratings, content reviews, and recommendations for fellow bibliophiles.  I note the amount of language, violence, sexual content, and the LGBTQ+ representation, as well as the genres the book falls under.  If anyone has a book they would like me to review, head to the "Requests" page and fill out the form!  I will also review any ARC offers as well, but I may not be able to accept.  


As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.  That means that if you use the links provided on my site to make a purchase, I may get a small percentage of the purchase price.  The price you pay does not change.  I read and review all the books recommended.


*NOTE: If you've been on Booktok or Bookstagram or other bookish communities on social media, you might be seeing some creators discourage or shame people for reading content other readers aren't comfortable with.  That is not what Novel Notices is about.  The website is a resource for all book-lovers to use in order to decide if a book has content you are comfortable with.  It's not meant to shame anyone or promote only a certain type of book.  You can request any book for review and I'll do my best to read it.*


You can also find me on Goodreads and Instagram at Novel Notices: 



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